Monday, November 21, 2011
Two Months!
We have all survived two months together as a family and I'm happy to report everyone is doing well!
Olivia really is as sweet as can be. She is generally a happy, smiley, sweet little baby. She is starting to recognize us now, which is completely amazing. I'm home with her all day, so she doesn't really get a chance to miss me - but my parents and sisters have noticed that if I'm not holding her, then she will look around the room until she finds me. So sweet.
And she is so happy to see Matt each night when he gets home from school. She will just look at him and smile and smile. The other day she could not even eat because she was too busy smiling at him. Her little head follows him all around the room. So adorable.
Today was Olivia's two month check up and one of the most stressful days I've ever had.
The day started off with her check up, which included her first set of shots. They were super painful for Olivia and mom and dad. She cried like we've never heard her cry before. All day today all she has wanted to do was be held (which I gladly obliged!). But the rest of her appointment went well. Here are her stats:
Height - 22.5" (57%)
Weight - 11 lbs 5 oz (64%)
The shots would have been bad enough on their own. BUT, then, on the way home I got pulled over because my inspection had expired and I got a ticket. The fact that I had a 2 month old crying in the backseat was not enough to deter this officer. So, I bit my tongue, "shhh'ed" Olivia, and handed over my license and registration.
So you would think that would make for a pretty rotten day....BUT then I get home and one of my friends is in front of my house. She had planned to drop something off on my doorstep but happened to be there when we were pulling up. So, she and her 2 year old came in the house to see Olivia. Unfortunately, her usually sweet daughter was having a case of the Terrible Twos. I think she got a little jealous that her mom was holding Olivia, so she walked over to the bouncy seat where Olivia was sitting and PUSHED IT as hard as she could!!! My friend and I literally jumped off the couch where we were sitting and flew across the living room. Luckily I had buckled Olivia in and she was fine; she didn't even cry. But I'm pretty sure that I had a mild heart attack. My poor friend did too and has not stopped apologizing! Luckily everyone was fine!
That was about all I could handle. They left quickly and I immediately called my mom to come over.
I'm not sure I can take many more days like this. Good thing for me, our little munchkin is so cute! (Here are a few pics at the doctor's office before the appointment)
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