Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me

My birthday was at the beginning of this month and it was awesome.  It was my first Friday off (per my new part-time schedule) and I took full advantage.  Olivia and I played all morning; met Matt, my dad and sister at this amazing crepe restaurant for lunch; did a little shopping; got a massage and a manicure; and then had a delicious sushi dinner.  Pretty much my perfect day! 

Matt taught Olivia to sing Happy Birthday….or more precisely to say “Mama” at the right moment in the song and she LOVED it.  So did I!  All day she ran up to me and asked to sing “Hap.”
On Saturday, we headed to Humble for my family birthday celebration. I may have mentioned before, but my mom instituted a new tradition recently. When it is your birthday, the whole family gathers at my parents’ house and my mom makes your favorite meal. Mine was green sauce for appetizer, Mulligatawny soup for dinner, and mocha shortbread for dessert. (Yes, I know the menu doesn’t fit together perfectly as I’ve been chastised for endlessly, but it’s my party and I get to have whatever I want!) And I loved it!

My sweet mom decorated the house so pretty and festive!

At Matt's birthday my mom bought the "big birthday hat" and it now comes out at all birthdays. Olivia loves it and made everyone take a turn wearing it.

I had 2 favorite moments from the night and, shockingly, they both involved Olivia. First, I was opening my presents from Yasmin and Nazreen and as I pulled bracelets and a sweater from the bag, I hear my little Olivia say in a very excited voice “Oh wow!” We all died laughing. I now officially cannot wait for her birthday!

My parents got me a beautiful bracelet and a standing mixer which Olivia and I were both very happy about!

Yasmin and Olivia had a little turf war over the rights to the little rocker. Unfortunately for Aunt Yasmin, Olivia won that battle. I suspect the war will wage on...

Olivia is in a big "dog" phase right now and was obsessed with Diiiieeee (Dixie). She constantly asked anyone who would listen to take her outside.

She also made poor GrandDad spend a significant amount of time by the front door. I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but I think a lot of looking at cars and opening and closing the door!

A little while later we were all in the kitchen and my dad was de-seeding a pomegranate for me. By way of background, Olivia is not a big fan of fruit – she really will only eat it if I disguise it in some way (e.g. I let her dip apples in almond butter sometimes) - she’s more of a veggie kind of girl. So when she asked for some pomegranate I expected her to try it, gag, and then spit it out. She did not. She LOVED it! She kept eating so much that finally my dad looked at me with a worried expression and suggested I cut her off. I took it away and she started to cry, so my dad asked if she wanted to ride on his shoulders. She immediately perked up and said “yeah!” I don’t know if she was deliriously tired or on a sugar rush, but this was the result of the shoulder ride! (Note: We did take the “pohm” home and she ate it for the next 2 days. Unfortunately for Olivia, I’m pretty sure it’s the end of the season.)
It was really a fantastic evening and I felt so lucky to be so loved on by my sweet parents!

The following weekend Matt's parents came over to celebrate and we had a great time playing with Olivia and then had a delicious dinner from a new pizza restaurant that just opened by our house. Tutu made Olivia laugh a LOT and Pop-O helped her feed the baby and read her book.

33 is shaping up to be great so far!

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