Sunday, August 12, 2012

10 Months!

Its a little late..but here is our 10 month post!  This month we have noticed Olivia really coming into her own little personality.  She's sweet, funny, adventurous, fearless, and definitely has a mind of her own.  When she wants something (her paci, food, the remote) she is single-minded and won't stop until she gets it or we distract her well enough.  And when she doesn't want something (having her nose wiped), she will be sure you understand!

The 10 month shoot was a little tough this month.  She wanted nothing to do with sitting in the chair - she only wanted dad to pick her up and dance with her.

And she finally gets what she's been waiting for!

The big news around here is that Olivia is walking!  She actually took her first steps on her 10 months birthday at a playdate at her friend Liam's house!  It was very exciting and I was so grateful I was there to witness it.  Since then, she has been getting more and more steady on those sweet little feet!

Olivia done several cute/funny things this month that I want to record for the memory book:

1.  Before bed when we say prayers she will go back and forth giving us both kisses.  We can always tell how tired she is by how "kissy" she is - the more kisses, the more exhausted she is.  It is the sweetest thing!

2.  She pats you on the back when you give her a hug.  I guess Matt and I both pat/rub her back when we hug her so she started doing it too.  Its so cute when we go get her out of her crib in the morning because she's still sleepy so she will immediately lay her head on your shoulder and then pat your back.  Love!

3.  We had a playdate recently at a friends house who has a big black dog.  It was Olivia's first time to see a dog up close and she seemed pretty timid.  She fussed for a minute when the dog came into the house and crawled into my lap.  The poor dog went to sit down on the other side of the room.  However, the dog happened to sit next to Olivia’s lunch box – which Olivia recognizes as her own and knows that her food is in it.  So, little Miss Olivia crawled over to where the dog was sitting and grabbed her food and then quickly scampered back to my lap.  It was really cute and both my friend and I had a good laugh about it. The dog really couldn’t have been more gentle with Olivia and was a great first introduction to a dog – as long as she didn’t try and eat Olivia’s food!

4.  She has a few toys that are relatively "heavy" - but for some reason, these are the toys she loves to try and pick up or flip over.  She usually ends up falling backwards because she isn't that strong and the toys weigh half as much as she does!  Yesterday she cried because she couldn't flip over the coffee table.

Now a few cute pics from the past month:

When she is not in the mood to eat, dinner is a VERY long process:

She's finally got enough hair for a bow.  Mimi found her these adorable bows that aren't too big.  Unfortunately, she absolutely hates having the bow in her hair and its a constant game for me to put it in and her to immediately pull it out.

Flipping over her activity table.

Practicing walking (walking around behind her is a workout for daddy and mommy too!)

Showing off one of her new pairs of shoes (the girl has only been walking 2 weeks and she already has 5 pairs of shoes....I don't think I'm going to be able to contain myself when its cold enough for some baby Uggs!)

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