Friday, May 3, 2013

Little Things

A few weeks ago, one of my friends sent me the link to this blog (which I'm sure you've all seen by now!) where a father details all the seemingly silly reasons his son is crying.  Matt and I spent the better part of a date-night looking at the blog, relieved that toddler irrationality is a common occurrence and then joking that we should do our own blog about reasons Olivia is crying.  We even drafted it and put a few pictures.  But, I could never bring myself to publish it....I would never want Olivia to think I was making fun of her or her sweet little feelings.

But then last night, we were having a long-distance call with Matt since he's out of town and Olivia got so tickled by a random song he sang.  We were talking about how happy we were that tomorrow was Friday and that he was coming home.  Matt sang "Friday, Friday, everybody loves Friday!"  Then, Olivia absolutely died laughing!  And it struck me that although its frustrating when she gets upset because I won't let her lick her shoe, its exhilarating to see her giggle at a random 5 word song that her sweet daddy made up.  I'm so happy I was able to capture part of it.

I decided that I'm going to try not to let the little things that bother her, bother me....and just try to enjoy the little things that make her happy.

So..without further ado...reasons my daughter is crying...and laughing!

Because I said she could wear my necklace (like she wanted to) and that she could put it on herself (like she wanted to)....but then she couldn't put it on herself and refused my help

Because we were done shopping at HEB and I said we had to go home.

Because she has a wonderfully silly daddy (the pause in singing is because he is laughing too hard to sing!)

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