Monday, October 15, 2018

Fall Fun

Despite the fact that its still 1 bazillion degrees in Houston, we have been pretending Fall is coming and enjoying some pumpkin patches around town.

First up was the Cathedral House Pumpkin Patch.  I think Eric was generally confused about these big orange "balls" that filled the playground, and the fact that we were staying at school instead of going home.  He was most interested in the bananas at the snack table and the slide.

Olivia on the other hand was thrilled to be back as an "alum" and happily ran around with her old friends!

A few weeks later we headed to Blessington Farm with the Williams crew.  Eric and Olivia both loved it!


 Train rides
 And flower picking


A few other happenings -- Eric's bedtime routine gets more complicated by the day.  We have added a whole host of "friends/toys" that he sleeps with - Puppy has been there since the beginning, but now we have Duck, several blankets and a doll tennis racket that he wants every night.  And usually when he wakes up in the morning, he brings Puppy and tennis racket with him as he wakes up/gets dressed/eats breakfast etc.  The tennis racket is a doll accessory that Olivia got a few years ago for her birthday.  Thankfully she's been a trooper about sharing it.

We got "Boo'd" last weekend - a neighbor left a bucket of Halloween goodies on our front door and we had to "pass the Boo along" to 2 more neighbors.  Olivia absolutely LOVED everything about it and is pretty fascinated with the whole thing.

I want to always remember these baby CURLS on little E!

We had one morning where the weather was in the low 70s, so of course Eric and I bundled up and headed to the park ;)

And then we went to Kinkaid to get Olivia a cheerleading outfit for football season and this little guy charmed his way into a free football

Eric's vocab is still fairly limited but one word he has mastered is NACK! (snack) which he always seems to yell.  He knows the pantry where we keep the snacks and every morning he walks over to it, opens the door, and yells for NACK (Pirates Booty).  Good lord.

My bff Kate got this sweet little onesie tailored so that it still fit Eric for this year.  Those cheeks with that little belly?!  I can't even!

And he got his school pictures back.  There were a few "mug-shot" images but this one turned out pretty cute:

And a story I want to remember about Olivia.  A few weeks ago she came home and told us she "knew our secret" about the tooth fairy.  And she did.  A little "friend" at school had spilled the beans to her.  So my antennae goes up everytime I hear Olivia talk about her new friend.  The other day Houston had its first minor cold front (we are talking 67 degrees!) and Olivia told me that her friend taught her a new phrase - WTF.  It means Walking Talking Freezing! ;)

Finally, we got to see Yazzie for a quick (literally 1 hour) visit when she was in town for a funeral.  I was glad she got to see Eric and of course Olivia was thrilled to hug her precious Yazzie in real life (as opposed to FaceTime).

Funny story:  When Olivia was little, she would always confuse Yasmin and I -- running up to Yasmin and then quickly realizing it wasn't mamma.  This is the first time Eric has seen Yasmin in probably 8 months.  We were walking up my parents' driveway as Yasmin walked out to meet us.  Eric was holding my hand and when he saw her, he looked up at her and in the most confused little voice said "Mamma?" LOL.

We have a few weeks of rough work/travel schedules coming up, but if we can make it to November, I think we will be okay!

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