Monday, January 8, 2018

Seven Months with Eric

Little Eric is 7 months old now! 

Our usually happy little guy was in no mood for his 7 month photo shoot.  He was tired, wanted mamma to hold him and no amount of songs, toys, clapping could save the day.  (But, of course as soon as I picked him up, he was back to happiest baby on the block)

Physically, he is now scooting all over the place.  I can set him down in one spot and within a few minutes he will have rolled/scooted away.  I suspect crawling isn't far behind.

He is FINALLY eating foods.  Bananas were the gateway food and once we got him consistently eating those, he pretty quickly moved on and now seems fairly open to new foods.

This month has brought lots of sickness and germs at Casa Dean.  Olivia and Eric both had pink eye and ear infections.  But, they managed to keep each other laughing

The Christmas decorations are all still up because with everything else going on, I just can't find the time to cross that off my list.  But Eric doesn't seem to mind.  This is a pretty regular situation these days, I will put him in the walker in the kitchen after work when I'm trying to get dinner ready.  And inevitably, he will walk over to this same spot - perfect viewing of the backyard and the Christmas tree.

He continues to be entertained by Olivia.  We have been playing more in the playroom and I will put away laundry or do work while they "play."  And by "play" I mean he chews on his toys and she puts on a show for him or explains the inner workings of babydoll pretend play to him.

Also, his exposure to TV at this point is out of control.  And its 100% Olivia's fault.  I usually have a blanket or mat set up in the living room for him where he can play while I cook or work.
And inevitably, Olivia will come down for some screen time, pick him up and put him on the couch next to her.

Eric and daddy have been bonding lately and we are all in a heated competition as to what E's first word will be... ;)  I'm going to call it right now that I think he says "dada" as his first word and Olivia will LOSE. HER. MIND.

Sleep continues to be elusive and stressful.  He is on a strict 2 hour waking schedule at night.  And, the stress of work and all the other things we are dealing with usually get the better of me and instead of letting him "cry it out", I usually just give in and nurse him or rock him back to sleep.  That works until about 4 am.  At that point, he is unwilling under any circumstances to go back to his crib.  Usually I can rock/cuddle him until he is drowsy and then put him in the crib and he will curl up and go back to sleep.  Not at 4 am.  If he so much as feels me walk near the crib, he goes into hysterics.  So, our new solution is basically parenting at its worst.  I bring him downstairs and wake up Matt.  Matt might not be able to walk, but he can lay in bed with a sleepy baby.  So Matt will lay with Eric from 4-5:30 and I go sleep on the couch.  Both of us are super paranoid about letting a baby sleep in the bed, so Matt stays awake and watches Eric.  He says Eric usually babbles for a while and inevitably falls asleep. Matt jokes that all he needs to sleep are some expensive sheets and a Pottery Barn bed!

At this point, I feel like I "know" Eric pretty well.  We are moving less from those newborn days when everything seemed scary and unknown into him being more able to communicate what he wants/needs.  I like this stage (though I'm pretty sure I've said that every month).  He's sweet and smiley and we are starting to see some of his personality come out!

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