Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nursery Decorating: The Tree

For months I have been planning and thinking about what Olivia's nursery will look like. Since our furniture arrived a few weeks ago, I was anxious to begin decorating. One of my best friends helped me find the cutest wall decal of a tree with her name in the middle. It was the perfect thing to go on the wall above her crib.

Now, I did not inherit my mother's "Martha Stewart" gene, so I was quite nervous about my ability to properly execute the tree. And...Matt is even less creative than I am and less patient so I did not have high hopes for him either.

But early this morning we set to work putting up the tree. We first cut out all the little pieces.

Then we taped the tree on the wall to make sure we liked the position

And then came the tedious task of peeling and securing the vinyl for all the little branches, each leaf, the birds, and each letter of her name!

Luckily we managed to get the entire tree up without ripping any of the pieces or getting in a fight. This is the final product which we both L-O-V-E. Hopefully Olivia will too! (If not, she's grounded!)

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