Tuesday, March 5, 2013

'Kay and Kisses

This is just 2 quick stories for the memory book.

1. Olivia has been in a “no” phase for a while now. For the past month or so, she would usually answer “no” to everything but didn’t really hold too firmly to her stance. However, over the past week, she has been in a feisty mood and absolutely freaks out if she does not get her way. And, she is going through a bit of a “mama” phase, so poor Matt is usually the one who bears the brunt of her wrath. However, earlier this week she started saying “no-kay” which is pretty cute and harder to get mad at. Pretty much anything Matt asks her to do or offers to help with is answered by a strong “nokay!” Yesterday she added “yeah-kay” into the mix too.

2. Olivia has a very strong and deep love for cheese. She usually asks for “wa-wa” and “chee” first thing in the morning (read: 5:30 am!) and constantly runs to the fridge asking for “chee” throughout the day. The other morning, Aunt Naz was over and she and Olivia were sitting next to each other on the floor eating “ows” (Cheerios). Olivia asked for cheese and after I gave her the piece, she walked to the other side of the kitchen as far away from Naz as possible and sat down. I guess she was afraid Aunt Naz was going to try to steal her cheese. I told her that wasn’t very nice and that we had to share. She didn’t say anything, so Naz and I went back to talking. All of a sudden and completely unprompted, Olivia stood up and walked over to Naz and gave her 4 big kisses, then walked back to the other side of the room and finished her cheese. Again, she does these absolutely precious things that make it very hard to discipline her!

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