Monday, December 19, 2016


I wanted to just do a little update on this pregnancy. Physically this one has been very different than Olivia. I was super nauseous well into my second trimester with Olivia. Luckily, it has not been that bad at all this time. I had a few weeks of feeling kind of pukey but was pretty diligent about taking my medicine on schedule and was able to keep the nausea at bay. I have been pretty tired this time, but luckily Matt and Olivia are both happy to go to bed at 8 pm with me.

For the memory book, I just want to remember how sweet Olivia is during this pregnancy. She was so happy to wear her big sister dress to school and proudly displayed it for all the teachers, staff and parents at the school. She can’t wait to tell everyone “her news.” But she is also – for now - pretty attentive to his/my needs. She accidentally hit me when we were playing one evening a few weeks ago and she immediately burst into tears because she was so worried she hurt me/baby. (Truth be told, if I wasn’t pregnant I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have cared less!). It took a while to convince her that I was still pregnant and everything was fine, but I am pretty sure she went to bed feeling sad and worried. She is always hugging and kissing my belly and makes sure before I leave her at school that both baby and I have had lots of love. And, this pregnancy has been different in that I am constantly hungry. I have an afternoon snack at work but by the time I pick up Olivia from school and fight traffic to get home, I’m pretty famished. It’s really cute to see how frantic she is to make sure I get some food as soon as we get home and then she follows up with me “Are you okay now? Did brother get the food he needed?”

That being said, the little wheels are already turning and I can see glimpses of sibling “fairness” coming through. After being “corrected” the other day, she asked Matt if he was going to “yell at the new baby too?” ;) And after our Mother-Daughter party she was talking to Matt and telling him that next year he couldn’t go out of town (he had a work trip that week) because he would have to watch brother. I mentioned that if we did a girls party for her, then I would have to do something with boys for him. She asked if she could come to his boys party. I responded with “Well can he come to your girls party?” She thought about it for a second and “Okay. I have an amazing idea. What if we do a mother-kid party and girls and boys could come?” I told her I thought that was a lovely and inclusive idea…

She also is very interested in all things baby.  My friend Kate had her over to play and she apparently peppered her with all sorts of questions about Henry's schedule.  A week later we were at a party with some friends from school and a mom told me she asked her if her baby had her newborn shots yet!  I think this curious little girl will be a big helper to me.

Also, there have been some interesting conversations about body parts and exactly how babies are made.  Lucky for us, we can just say "Dr. McKnight helped us make Eric in the hospital and then she put him in mommy."  Olivia likes to point out he's not in my belly, but in my uterus, which she pronounces "uter-yus"  It makes Matt squirm every time he hears it!! :)

But, like Matt and I, she is a little nervous about such a big change to our little family of 3.  Right now, we are in a pretty good groove and adding a new little guy to the mix will definitely shake things up.  The other night she was tired (up late, with no nap) and all of a sudden got pretty upset and sad about it not being "just the 3 of us" anymore.  We tried to comfort her by telling her we would make sure that she got time alone with mommy and daddy still and that she should always come and tell us if she was feeling left-out or sad.  But, almost in unison, Matt and I both told her that all those fears will probably be washed away as soon as she meets little brother.  We are under no illusions that it will all be rainbows and butterflies, but I'm guessing this little  big girl of mine will take to little brother just fine and the two of them will be fast friends!

And, just because I hate to leave a post without any pictures, here is one from Grandpa’s 70th birthday celebration at Ibiza a few weeks ago!

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